Escuela Técnica Superior de
Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Physical Electronics in the ETSIS Telecomunicación

The Physical Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics (Electrónica Física, Ingeniería Eléctrica y Física Aplicada, EFF) Department has sections in the Telecommunication Schools of the UPM developping teaching and research activities in both Moncloa's and South Campus of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).

Faculty members and Teaching Assistants of the Department collaborate with other departments in Telecommunication Schools, in Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and other research Spanish and foreign groups.


Members of the department teach several subjects for undergraduate students (in the four bachelor degrees being taught in the ETSIST) and for graduated students of the Master and Doctorate Program on “Systems and Services for the Information Society”


Research developed by the department is focused in two main areas:

  • Material science and engineering for electronics
  • Microelectronic design and reliability

and both of them for applications in Information and Communication Technologies and Renewable Energy.


You are welcome to PIEZO2017: Electroceramics for End Users (Cercedilla/Navacerrada - february 2017)
