Escuela Técnica Superior de
Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Graduate Programs

The School of Telecommunications Systems and Engineering of the Technical University of Madrid is continuously striving for an attractive academic offer, to help students towards their progress through the different study cycles. In the following, the graduate (i.e. Master and PhD) programmes offered by our School are presented.


PhD studies



Official Master's programmes


Master's programmes adscribed to the School of Telecommunications Systems and Engineering

In the case of these Master's programmes, there is the possibility of obtaining an economic aid to partially waive the fees. For more information follow this link:

Economic aids for this School's Masters (in Spanish)


There are currently four Master's programmes adscribed to this School:


Master's programmes adscribed to other Schools in which our teachers participate as lecturers

The teachers of the School of Telecommunications Systems and Engineering currently participate in the following Master's programmes, which are adscribed to other UPM Schools: