PERISEC (Wireless System for
Perimetral Security - Ministry of
Industry, Tourism and Trade)
PROPSI (Perimetral Protection
using Wireless Sensor Networks - Ministry of
Industry, Tourism and Trade)
CRISAL (Control Management and Monitoring
Solutions for Wireless Sensor Networks in high Security
Environments - CAM - UPM)
SECUAREA (Security Solutions based-on Biometric
Devices - CAM)
ISS-WSN (Sensor Integration
on Systems of Wireless Micro-device Networks - Company
SBS-WSN (Solutions base-on
Wireless Low-power Sensors - Company contract)
TTCN-P (Implementation of System Testing Advanced
Techniques - Company contract)
WINFIK (Availability Improvement of Gateway Server -
Company contract)
BI-RAS (Integrated Test-bench
RAS - Company contract)
ENISA (Member States Activities in Network and
Information Security – Inventory and Best Practices Guide -
Company contract - EU)
(Computer Vulnerability Analysis -
Spanish National Security Agency - UPM)
TIC-SPACES (Telematic Service
for knowledge inference in e-government and e-health scenarios
- CAM - UPM)
ALICE (Latin America Interconnected with Europe
- @LIS FP5)
MAIN-E (Networked negotiation platform for
MAnufacturing and logistics INtegrated planning and control in a
SME multi-enterprise Environment - GROWTH - FP5)
SCARAB (Smart Card and Agent enabled Reliable
Access - ACTS - FP5)
MATES (Multimedia Assisted Tele-Engineering
Distributed Services - ESPIRIT - FP4)
VITAL (Validation of Integrated Telecommunications
Architecture for the Long term - ACTS - FP4)
COMDIST (Distributed Components for Implementing
Tele-education Services - CYTED)
RT&DS (System Description
Techniques of Complex, Distributed and Fault-tolerant Real-time
Systems - CICYT TIC96-0614)
SIGAME (Financial Information Management for
Colombian Municipalities - LATIN - Unicauca)
SMART III (Modular System for Applications in
Intelligent and Telematic Networks - VRI - Unicauca)
CEA (Electric Closest Control Control -
SAGER (Automatic System for Radio Electric
Spectrum Management - ITEC-TELECOM - Dept. TELCOM)